What is the Difference Between Hiking and Trekking

Hiking vs trekking

What is the difference between hiking and trekking? Do they mean the same thing? To make a short answer, hiking and trekking are more or less the same thing. At least, the difference between the two is very slim.

In this article, we have broken down each of the terms and analyzed their popular meanings. You will be able to support your arguments during your next debate, to know the difference between the 2.


Dictionary Definitions

To understand the difference between hiking and trekking, let’s start by looking at the dictionary definitions. Let’s see how the Larousse dictionary defines each of the terms.

Definition of hiking: Fairly long walk where, generally, you return to your starting point.

Definition of trekking: Hiking, halfway between tourism and mountaineering, in high altitude countries.

We immediately notice that the definition of the word Trekking includes the word hiking. We then understand that there is a slight difference between the 2 terms, without, however, being very precise. By these 2 definitions, trekking can be considered aa a slightly more demanding hike.

The definition of trekking also includes the word tourism, so we define trekking more as a trip. Trekking is therefore seen as a very long hike (several days), with high intensity, in a tourist setting.

Hiking is more about walking. We understand that hiking may have a slightly greater intensity and duration than a simple walk to the grocery store, for example.


Definitions of Popular Culture

In popular outdoor culture, we add small details to these dictionary definitions. Hiking is a walk of several hours and trekking is a walk of several days in more difficult environments.

Thus, when we talk about hiking, we are referring to a walk of several hours in nature, often on trails. Hikes can also last several days. However, hiking remains less strenuous than trekking.

Trekking, on the other hand, always refers to a trip of several days. We think of circuits that are more adventurous and more demanding. For example, ascents to Everest Base Camp or to Ciudad Perdida are considered trekking.

Treks tend to go to places that are much less accessible than hikes. This is why they tend to be more strenuous. Hikes and treks, however, can involve all kinds of terrain. Their common point is definitely the action of walking in nature.

The use of these terms remains subjective, it changes from person to person. In general, a multi-day trek halfway around the world is more likely to be called a trek.


What shoes to wear: hiking vs. trekking?

Hiking and trekking require different ways to wear shoes. Your shoes are largely responsible for your comfort. Once you’ve got your shoes on, all you have to do is look up and admire the landscape!

Your choice of shoes, both for hiking and trekking, depends on several factors.

  • Field

  • The distance 

  • Weather

For forest hikes, whether it’s on flat or steep terrain, walking shoes will be suitable. They provide you with greater comfort and cushion than your everyday shoes. Vibram soles also guarantee grip and durability.

The best hiking shoe?

Aspen - Walking Shoe
Sale Price: $129.99 Original Price: $174.99

For treks, you will need sturdy and durable footwear. Trekking shoes tend to be lighter. However, they must have a resistant sole and good support. Often, hiking boots are a good choice, as they provide good ankle support.

The best trekking shoe?

For more humid temperatures, regardless of the kind of walk (trekking or hiking), consider waterproofing.

For winter hiking in the snow, you need warm, waterproof shoes. Choose shoes that insulate not only from the cold, but also from moisture. You need breathable footwear with durable waterproof protection. This is what the Gritex technology offers you.

The best winter hiking shoe?

Bromont - Hiking Boot
Sale Price: $129.99 Original Price: $174.99

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